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My Story

Hello and welcome to the Caffeinated Characters official website.

Here at Caffeinated Characters we love Coffee and the effects of Caffeine.
Weather it lifts you up and energizes you to be creative and work faster or just makes you feel all warm and cozy inside.

Caffeinated Characters was created one day while I was sitting with my daughters at a salon waiting for my wife to get her hair done. I was trying to keep my daughters busy by drawing, which is something I usually do when I have my morning Coffee.

I was drawing a bunny rabbit and Snoopy drinking Coffee, and ended up with what I call, "Caffeinated Characters".

Caffeinated Characters slowly evolved into these mutant surf rats that love to Surf, Skateboard, Hike, Fish, Camp, work on cars, drive Hotrods, Motorcycles and do all things outdoors that makes them feel good.

Before they do any of these things they will be hanging out in the Coffee shops enjoying their favorite Caffeinated drink and talking to all the regulars trying to plan their day or just catch up with friends.

I started drawing them based on my everyday activities or certain situations in my daily life. There are more than one and they are all very similar with slightly different characteristics.

We are all Caffeinated Characters in our own unique little way.

"Which of the Caffeinated Characters are you?"